Solo Project: Cinematic Sample - Sci-Fi First Person Shooter

"Good day, ma'am. Have a thorn in your side it seems." Click link above to read the full sample.

My Creative Process: Providing short summaries of scene notes to designers for cutscenes and gameplay. I focused on details for other teams to understand what was taking place, from little animations blocked out by note blocks, to characters asking questions.

One of the first tasks I had to figure out was, "How can I write button prompts into gameplay?" I took that for a scene about a human soldier on a mission to catch and eliminate a tough alien warrior in an abandoned factory. My thoughts were to incorporate gameplay of ammo pick-ups and some shooting with a cutscene. Another cut to gameplay ends the script. In doing it this way, other departments can program gameplay spaces and where cutscenes start and end.


Monochrome RPG Episode 1: The Maniacal Morning. Isometric RPG


Multiplayer FPS Dialogue Barks